September is my favourite month and not just because of my birthday. It seems to be the start of 'real' life again - new courses as well as continuing ones, the weather turning chillier and the air more bracing; it feels cosier to be holed up with a computer instead of moving to try to find cooler spots in the flat. In the old days, of course, I'd be having the anxiety dreams about starting to teach again. The most frequent was the one where I couldn't find the classroom.
The holiday season is past and I'm glad it's over. All that driving up and down motorways,was very tedious, although listening to audio tapes of the Goon Show helped. It rained all the way back from Southport on Saturday, so we were slowed by surface spray- quite romantic, in it's own way. I was in some discomfort having bruised my rear on the Pleasure Beach Logflume ride. 'You should just accept you are getting too old for funfairs' said Roy. I could just about manage to do my share of the driving by half standing over the wheel to relieve the pressure.
I don't write much on holiday, except to keep up my diary, but usually manage a half-hour stint of writing Chinese characters and perhaps a bit of Bridge bidding. We didn't manage to play in Southport although Roy seems to think I've improved enough to partner him on holiday. What an honour. Now that I'm back I shall revert to my gentleman partner on Monday night and a female friend on Wednesdays. Geoff, my Monday partner is very courteous and an experienced player. He doesn't raise his eyebrows at my inexpert bidding, but takes me aside later and explains what went wrong. My Wednesday afternoon partner is also a good player, but too polite in mmy opinion. I have a bad reputation for standing up for myself. My next novel, a murder mystery in a country house setting, will include some Bridge players, as they are so devious. Bridge brings out the worst in people - or perhaps it attracts bad characters. Of course people are for the most part kind and helpful.
The very first thing I did on my return was to apply for accreditation to the London Film Festival. Last year I only managed to get daily accreditation, that is permission to see films and use the press room in the NFT for some Chinese films, because I applied so late but this year I'm on their list so they sent me an application form. I am really looking forward to it as the Film Festival atmosphere is exciting, plus the films are (usually) exceptional . I hope, after the rigours of the Film Journalism course, with all those killing deadlines, that I'll be able to write some good reviews. I'm got my invitation to the Press Launch on September 14th, when they'll announce the programme, so then I'll decide what to see and start some background research.