Friday, October 12, 2012

Before the Ships Set Sail: Iphigenia in Aulis at the Jack Studio, Brockley

I love going to this local theatre,  a short bus ride from where I live. The tiny space sparks innovative  productions and there's the added bonus of the  pub.

Lazarus Theatre Company specialise in re-interpreting classics in a non-realistic style,  incorporating dance and mime,  that suits Greek Tragedy.  Last year I saw them perform two adapted dramas, 'Electra, Her Life'  and 'Orestes, His Fall' at The Space theatre on the Isle of Dogs.

National dramas reflect national character, and Greece has been much in the news lately. So this dramatised debate about personal sacrifice versus the  public good strikes a  topical note.

Meant to be performed in an ampitheatre, how would this monumental prologue to the Trojan wars  fare in the tiny black box of the Jack Studio?

Here's my account on the website: